Durand threatens Paul and
tells him he will be back the next day to collect the money that
Paul's deceased father owed him. |
When Durand finds Ruth in the woods,
he brings her back to the saloon and "gives" her to
the owner, Madame Boussut. |
Paul unexpectedly spends
the money he has been saving for an operation on his knee to
buy Ruth a beautiful dress for her birthday. |
Durand tries to force himself
on Ruth. |
When Durand laughingly tells
Paul that he killed his pet rabbit and that Paul has been eating
his own pet, the young man becomes furious. |
When Paul jumps Durand for
killing his rabbit, Durand gets the better of Paul forcing him
to eat even more of the pet. |
Silas Hamm finally finds
Ruth, grabs her and demands to know where the elephant is. |
Paul and Ruth race down the
river with Durand close behind in pursuit. |
Paul and Durand fight with
knives. Durand vows to kills Paul. |
All's well that end's well. |