Clinch, McIntosh and Peck come to see for themselves
that Rufus is a good risk for a $100,000 loan after the doctors
declared him physically fit. Doctor Seaver and Aunt Beulah look
on. |
Dolores looks at Rufus with disdain. She
knows he's not really sick. |
Rufus has never driven a car, but decides
to buy one and take it out to the racetrack to "make her
go." As expected, the result is an accident. |
Clinch, McIntosh and Peck agreed to loan
Rufus $100,000 on condition that they get his entire inheritance
- $750,000 - when he receives it in three years - that is, provided
he lives that long! Dolores tries to convince them to let Rufus
out of the agreement in favor of a more typical loan. They refuse. |
Even though he hasn't fully recovered from
the car crash, Rufus decides to try motorcyling for the first
time in his life. |
Of course, he has an accident on the motorcycle,
too. When he returns, and Dolores sees him all cut, bruised and
muddy, he tries to strike a nonchalant pose as if nothing is
wrong. |
When Dolores breaks down and cries at his
reckless stunts, it's obvious she really cares for him. |
Clinch, McIntosh and Peck have been beside
themselves with worry every time Rufus has tried one of his life-threatening
stunts. Now they find out he is going to paint a flagpole atop
a skyscraper. |
Rufus is determined he is going to conquer
his fears, and climbs up the flapole that sits on top of a skyscraper
high above the city ready to paint it. What he doesn't know is
that workers are unbolting the flagpole where it is attached
to the building below the roof and out of his sight. |
The kiss . . . and fade out. |