"Wolf Blood" (1925)

Produced by Ryan Brothers Productions
Distributed by Lee-Bradford Corp.
Director: George Chesbro
6 reels, 5,800 feet
Released December 16, 1925.

Cast: Marguerite Clayton, George Chesbro, Ray Hanford, Roy Watson, Milborn Morante, Frank Clark


A melodrama - Dick Bannister (George Chesbro), the foreman of the Ford Logging Co., sends for a doctor when several of his men are hurt in a fight with employees of a rival lumber company. Edith Ford, the owner of the company, comes to Bannister's aid bringing with her Dr. Horton, one of her ardent admirers. Edith and Dick soon fall in love. Dick is later injured, and Dr. Horton is forced to use the blood of a wolf in a transfusion for him. Dick is haunted by the fear that he is becoming half beast, and after a few unexplained deaths, Dick attempts to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff. . ."

The Cast

Marguerite Clayton was Broncho Billy Anderson's regular leading lady in the years preceding World War 1. She later appeared in many routine melodramas and action pictures before retiring from the screen with the advent of sound.

George Chesbro, a former stage actor in vaudeville and stock, entered films in 1915 and played leads in serials and action pictures through the late twenties. He then shifted to character parts, mostly villainous, and menaced many a cowboy hero in hundreds of low-budget Westerns of the 30's, 40's and 50's.

Milburn Morante entered films in 1913 playing comedy roles in the Keystone-Triangle and other studio comedies. During the 20's he appeared in numerous features, often Westerns, sometimes as the lead, but more often as the hero's sidekick. He produced and directed many of his films, and he was active until the early fifties, providing comic relief or a shifty menace.

Roy Watson was a supporting actor in numerous films and had prominent roles in "The Hazards Of Helen" with Helen Holmes, "Elmo The Fearless" starring Elmo Lincoln and in many Westerns.


The Lee-Bradford Corporation was a minor distributor of independent productions of the twenties. None of the more than thirty features released by this New York-based organization are memorable.


The Film Encyclopedia by Ephraim Katz
The American Film Industry by Anthony Slide
The Hollywood Western by William K. Everson
Who's Who In Hollywood by David Raglan.

copyright 2002 by John DeBartolo. All rights reserved.

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